Step-by-Step guidelines for new applicants

Step-By-Step Guide on Working In Finland

1. Send us your CV

Send you resume with previous work experience references and a photo of yourself to or through our website. 

Then we’ll contact you shortly and make an appointment for an interview.

2. Interview

Make sure you have a device with Skype and a working internet connection. Think of these questions ahead:

  • What are your expectations?
  • When would you be able to start?
  • How long of a time can you work?
  • What kind of establishment are you looking for?
  • Are you willing to work in places that are outside big cities?

3. Receive offers

Based on the interview we will add you to our database and send you some offers.

Offers will include info about the job, website, working period, salary calculation, and accommodation info.

We don’t offer accommodation in every place, but we can direct you to the best sites, where you can look.

4. Contract and onboarding

f both sides are happy and the date is set, we will send you a contract with all the details of the terms and conditions.

We use electrical signature and the contract will be sent to you through Visma Sign in which you can sign the contract.

5. Travel to Finland

We will help you with combining the itinerary to the workplace.

You can find more information about travelling to Finland in JobNord onboarding material.

6. Working in Finland

Regular working hours are usually 7,5 h/ day and 37,5 h/weekly hours. In a three-week period 112,5 hours. The working hours may be arranged by law or collective agreements alternatively.

More information about working hours, holiday compensation and recording hours can be found on JobNord onboarding material.