
Registry name

The marketing register of JobNord Oü and JobNord Global Oy (“JobNord”).


Basis for keeping the register

§ 19 of the Personal Data Act. Keeping and processing personal data is based on the data subject’s consent to receive direct marketing, JobNord’s legitimate interest, and the factual connection between JobNord and the data subject, when JobNord has the right to use the data in the marketing and advertising of products and services.


Purpose of the register

The personal data in the register is used for JobNord’s direct marketing, remote sales, opinion surveys or similar activities, such as sending newsletters.

JobNord has partners who act on behalf of JobNord. Authorized partners have the right to process information in JobNord’s marketing register.


JobNord sends direct marketing e.g. by e-mail with the consent of the data subject or if it is justified to assume that the direct marketing is essentially useful and/or interesting to the recipient, e.g. in work matters.



Contents of the register

The register processes the personal data of the beneficiary of a natural person or a registered company. For the aforementioned groups, the marketing register may contain one or more information such as: first name, last name, e-mail, telephone number, native language, address information and information about the company or other information provided by the customer themself or collected from them. The register also contains any direct marketing permits and prohibitions notified by the customer.


Regular sources of information

In the case of a natural person, information is collected from the registered person, e.g. through raffles, contests or completed forms on the website. Personal data can also be collected or updated from, for example, JobNord’s customer register, population information system, phone books and other authorities or companies that provide personal data.


In the case of a company or community representative, information can be collected, for example, from the company and community information system, the trade register or the trade register statement, Suomen Asiakastieto Oy or Bisnode Oy’s database, or from the company’s or organization’s own website. Information can also be obtained directly by telephone or e-mail from a company representative.



Regular transfers of information

Information from JobNord’s marketing register is not disclosed to parties outside the company. Any disclosure of information to the authorities is done in accordance with current legislation. Information may be disclosed to JobNord’s partners or subcontractors, if the service provided to the customer requires it. We can also outsource the processing of personal data to a third party, in which case we guarantee that personal data will be processed in accordance with the current Personal Data Act and objectively.


Data transfer outside the EU or EEA

Information can be transferred outside the European Union or the European Economic Area, if it is necessary for the implementation of the service. Even then, JobNord takes care of an adequate level of data protection as required by legislation, e.g. by utilizing EU model clauses on the transfer of data to third countries. JobNord does not sell information from the marketing register to third parties.



Principles of registry protection

The materials are collected in databases that are protected by firewalls, passwords and other technical means. Only JobNord staff or its representatives who need the information in their work have the right to use the information. JobNord requires that employees and partners comply with the duty of confidentiality regarding information in the marketing register. The material in manual form is stored in the office space used by JobNord. The premises are locked and guarded.



Right of inspection, prohibition and correction

In accordance with § 26 of the Personal Data Act, the registered person has the right to check the information concerning him and to demand the correction of incorrect information in the register. Inspection and correction requests must be sent in writing to JobNord’s customer service at



The registered person has the right to prohibit the use of their data for direct marketing, distance sales or opinion surveys by notifying them in writing to the address
